Home Itinerary Itinerary Page 2 Itinerary Page 3 Booking Details Mick's Corner

Telephone Mick on
01502 732040

or email him at: michaelgreen10@sky.com

Flights from Heathrow and Manchester

At the moment all we require is a Reservation Fee of £20 p.p. This will be fully refunded if the tour does not go, the price has to go up or any major destination of tour is changed.

Send cheque with name and address to to:

Pick Travel Ltd.,
11 Scraptoft Lane.
Leicester, LE5 2FD

Telephone 0116 276 1818

or email: george@gptravel.co.uk



DAY 15: The day is free to try and get in as many of the San Antonio attractions as possible. The Alamo, right, is a must, The Tower of the Americas, middle right, will give you a good oversight of the city. The Missions and Cathedral are always popular. The Texas Culture Museum tells you everything about the wild west of old and can take hours. Then there is the Mexican Market and lots more. In the evening we plan to visit Cowboys Dance Hall. Ladies free, men pay.

DAY 16: Try to fit in all the things you didn’t do the day before and our final evening will take you to Luckenbach, bottom right, for a dance if there is one on. If not we’ll go to another dancehall or club.

DAY 17: Fly home and arrive Sunday.