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I had to pack up hosting tours because of neuropathy and spine pain. February 2013 I finally had an operation on my spine which, despite stopping the problems getting worse, was not really a success. But I was able to host the 2014 tour! As the Toby Keith song says “I’m not as good as I once was but I’m as good once as I ever was”!

I am still playing a few gigs but, to be honest, carrying the gear in and out can be a real pain–-literally! So I kid myself that I am only taking the ones with minimum humping. I still really enjoy playing but, as Kristofferson says, the going up has to be worth the coming down! I am still writing songs and still doing some very basic recordings at home. I currently go out as Mick Green’s Senior Moments.

I certainly do not just play country music. I have a CD out called Warts And All which is really a live sample of what I do. One quarter is comedy, one quarter pop hits, one quarter country hits and one quarter singalong. Another is called Nobody To Blame But Me because I wrote or co-wrote all the songs and nobody else is involved–I play keyboards, sing, and harmonise with myself. The other album pictured is Saucy Senior Moments, 18 comedy songs from the saucy to the quite rude. All three albums are £5 each inc. P&P.

Currently I spend virtually all my time working the music side and writing books. I have five books of one-liners, jokes and cartoons under the title of You’re Having A Laugh. I sell these at £5 each inc P&P but please note, do not buy if easily offended.

My main writing is concentrated on novels and so far I have completed nine–most are thrillers and 300 pages plus. They are all on sale via Amazon on-line and sold as kindles. All you do is go to ‘Books’ put in ‘Mick Green’ and all the titles should come up. They will cost you about 73p each, so I won’t be joining the Brit Rich List any time soon! If you have a tablet but not a kindle then a kindle app is available free!


. . . An update of what Mick has been doing over the past few years.

Six books are a series based on Bob & Anna, the Bottom Line is a stand alone thriller and the remaining books vary from novellos (short novels), novelettes and short stories. So far reaction has been good.

Will I ever pack up? As Haggard says: “Not as long as these two hands are fit to use!” Even though I’m 77 now!

I’ll update this page from time to time but please get in touch if you need to know more or you want to give me your opinion.